A digital superhero standing confidently with a shield featuring symbols of protection, encryption, and cloud technology.

“But it’s in the Cloud!” Why a backup (Emails, OneDrive and SharePoint Data) in Microsoft 365 is Important.

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Have you ever experienced that sinking feeling when an important email or document disappears without a trace? Poof, gone forever! This is the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of taking a backup (emails, OneDrive and SharePoint data) in Microsoft 365.

It’s not just about those “oopsie” moments; it’s a smart strategy to keep your business running smoothly. In this article we’ll explore why and how you should protect your Microsoft 365 assets – emails, OneDrive and SharePoint files, and more. Let’s be honest, the built-in solutions do offer some assistance, but they do take time to configure whereas some backup integrations make it a lot easier to manage.

Introducing Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365, a backup solution that integrates with Microsoft 365 which automatically takes a backup of your emails, Onedrive and SharePoint data on a daily basis. If something was to go wrong there is a simple interface that you can easily restore your data.

So, what comes next? Well, if you value your data as much as we love F1 and gaming (which is a lot!), then it’s obvious that you should continue reading to learn more. Stick with us as we navigate the dangers of data loss and reveal how you can emerge unharmed on the other side. And hey, if you ever feel overwhelmed by all this information, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure that your valuable business data remains secure with Acronis Backup.

The Importance of Data Backup for Microsoft 365

Risks of Accidental Deletion in Microsoft 365

Accidental deletion is like a sneaky little problem in your computer; one minute everything’s fine, the next, poof! Your important data has disappeared. It’s a real bummer, and in Microsoft 365, it happens more often than you might think. But what exactly causes these “oops” moments?

  1. Human Error: Sometimes we delete files or emails thinking they’re useless, only to realise later that they were actually important.
  2. Misunderstood Commands: Maybe you wanted to delete one version of a document but ended up deleting the whole folder by mistake.
  3. Sync Issues: Syncing devices is supposed to be helpful but can sometimes lead to accidental deletions.
  4. The Dreaded ‘Shift + Delete’: For those times when you’re feeling daring and skip the recycle bin altogether – a risky move.

So what happens when the unexpected happens and your deleted data doesn’t stay in the recycle bin? Well, without a proper backup in place, that data might just disappear forever, leaving you with an error message.

Microsoft 365 does have some built-in safety measures like versioning and recycle bins in SharePoint Online and OneDrive. But these features are more like temporary fixes and they shouldn’t be your only way of recovering data. They have limitations and may not cover every situation.

“Retention policies are like mazes; if you don’t navigate them correctly, your critical data could slip away.” – Unknown

Take retention policies, for example. They may sound good in theory – you can use them to keep your emails and documents for future use. But let me tell you something; these policies are complicated. And if you don’t set them up correctly, they could leave gaps where important data can slip through unnoticed.

There are a couple of problems that you could face:

  1. Policy Limitations: If your data doesn’t meet the policy requirements (like being marked for preservation), it won’t be retained.
  2. Complex Configurations: Getting these policies right requires expertise; make a mistake, and it’s as if you have no backup at all.
  3. Data Exclusions: In some cases, certain types of data may not be covered by retention policies.

Accidental deletions can lead to permanent data loss incidents faster than you can imagine. And while Microsoft 365’s retention policies offer some level of protection against these accidents, relying solely on them is risky.

Gaps in Retention Policies: A Potential Pitfall for Your Data

When it comes to protecting your Microsoft 365 environment, you might worry about accidentally deleting important information or experiencing data loss incidents. These concerns can cause sleepless nights if you’re not prepared. But there’s another risk that often goes unnoticed: the weaknesses in your retention policies.

Microsoft’s default retention settings are designed to work for everyone and they do work relatively well, but they may not be the best fit for your specific needs. Here’s why:

1. Time-Limited Retention

You have emails and documents from early days of your business, but Microsoft decides to do some spring cleaning. After a certain period of time (which might be shorter than you expect), your valuable data could disappear forever.

2. One-Click Mistakes

Accidentally clicking the ‘delete’ button and instantly regretting it. While Microsoft does have a short grace period during which your deleted items can be recovered, after that time is up, they’re gone for good. Unless, of course, you’ve taken extra steps to back them up for example onto a harddrive or another form of backup

3. Legal Requirements

In certain industries, maintaining records is a legal obligation. If your business falls into this category, the default retention settings provided by Microsoft might not meet the specific requirements for preserving your data as mandated by law. Within the financial industries you have to keep your clients data for 7 years.

Relying solely on Microsoft’s built-in features for data protection is like using a sieve to hold flour – it can keep the majority of data but as soon as someone shakes the sieve flour will begin to fall through.

To ensure comprehensive security against accidental deletion and retention policy issues, it’s good practice to incorporate third-party solutions into your strategy. These solutions, such as those discussed in this guide on data protection and privacy, can provide the necessary safeguards to mitigate the risks associated with inadequate retention policies.

Retention policies are rules that determine how long specific types of data should be retained within an organisation’s systems before being permanently deleted. These policies help to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as facilitate efficient data management.

Addressing Security Threats and Ensuring Data Integrity

Safeguarding Against Internal Security Threats in Microsoft 365

The digital workplace is a treasure trove of information, ripe for the picking if not properly secured. With Microsoft 365 being the go-to suite for many businesses, it’s crucial to understand that not all threats come from the outside. Sometimes, they’re already in the building.

Malicious Insiders: The Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

  • Trust Gone Awry: You give employees access to sensitive data because you trust them. But what happens when they break that trust? From financial reports to personal employee information, malicious insiders can cause havoc.
  • The Motivation Factor: Whether it’s for monetary gain or a vendetta against the company, insiders can exploit their access to your detriment.
  • Spotlight on Departing Employees: Keep an extra eye on those leaving the nest. They might just take a piece of it with them – in the form of confidential data.

Compromised User Accounts: When Your Identity Is Not Your Own

  • Phishing Scams: They’re not fishing for compliments, they’re after your credentials. And once they have them, your data could be manipulated or stolen.
  • Weak Passwords: ‘Password123’ won’t cut it anymore. Weak passwords are like leaving your front door open with a neon welcome sign for hackers.
  • Unnoticed Anomalies: A login from an unusual location or time can be a red flag that’s often missed until it’s too late.

Enter Backup Solutions: Your Digital Knight in Shining Armour

  • Layered Defence: Think of backup solutions as part of a layered defence strategy – like having both a lock and an alarm on that front door.
  • Data Recovery: If an insider pulls a fast one and deletes crucial files, having a backup (emails, OneDrive and SharePoint data) will let you bounce back without breaking a sweat.
  • Immutable Storage: Some backup solutions offer immutable storage – meaning once it’s there, it stays there. No changes allowed; no funny business.

A robust backup solution does more than just restore lost files – it acts as a historical record. It’s like having your very own time machine, ensuring you can revisit your data exactly as it was before things went south.

Fighting Fire with…Backups?

Imagine malware or ransomware infiltrates your system, courtesy of an unwitting click-happy employee. With solid backups:

  • You’ve got clean copies of your data tucked away safely.
  • You can restore systems without paying ransoms to cyber bullies.
  • You avoid data loss that could cripple business operations.

Protecting against internal security threats means staying vigilant and prepared. By incorporating comprehensive backup solutions like Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 into your strategy, you’re not just defending against potential threats; you’re creating a resilient environment where business thrives despite the risks lurking behind every login prompt.

The Role of Data Backup in Combatting Malware and Ransomware in Microsoft 365

When it comes to internal security threats, malware and ransomware pose a significant risk to our digital lives. These malicious software types can be compared to termites, silently causing damage to the core of our data integrity. This is especially concerning for Microsoft 365 users, as it holds a wealth of critical business information.

Malware/ransomware attacks have become more advanced and widespread, affecting businesses of all sizes. They can encrypt files, hold data hostage, or even steal sensitive information for malicious purposes.

Here’s the important part: if an attack manages to bypass your defences and infect your system:

  • Immediate access to a backup; emails, OneDrive and SharePoint data, becomes crucial. It’s like having a fire extinguisher nearby when a fire breaks out.
  • Offline backups act as an emergency shelter for your data; they are inaccessible to cybercriminals and remain intact for recovery after an attack.

Having an offline backups can be a great ‘just in case’ the other backups fail. However, you do have to store informations securely and do not leave it out for someone to take.

Data protection strategies need to adapt to these challenges by implementing strong backup solutions that effectively safeguard our valuable data.

Navigating the complex world of legal and compliance requirements can be challenging for organisations. The digital age has brought with it a range of regulatory standards that require strict measures to retain and protect data. It’s not just about keeping your data safe from online threats; it’s also about making sure you’re following the rules – rules that can often be confusing.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance Through Comprehensive Data Backup Measures

When it comes to meeting legal and compliance requirements, having a backup (email, OneDrive and SharePoint data) is not only a good idea, but often a must. Here’s why:

  • Regulatory Standards: Different industries have different regulatory standards to adhere to. These frameworks (GDPR, ICO etc) all have one thing in common: they require businesses to keep detailed records, including emails, documents, and other electronic data.
  • Legal Obligations: Imagine being asked to find an email from two years ago during a legal case. Without proper backup solutions, you could end up spending a lot of time searching through digital debris. Legal teams need to be able to quickly access information to comply with e-discovery requests and other legal obligations.
  • Data Retention Policies: Meeting internal data management policies means not only holding onto information, but also making sure it can be retrieved when necessary. This requires implementing effective backup strategies that align with these policies.

Now let’s discuss how third-party backup solutions can help, specifically Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365:

Acronis goes above and beyond by offering a level of control and detail in backups that may be lacking in Microsoft’s default solutions. Here’s how Acronis stands out:

  • Automated Backups: Set it up once and let it run – automated backups ensure your data is consistently saved without needing manual input.
  • Point-in-Time Recovery: Legal matters can be time-sensitive; being able to restore data from a specific moment is crucial.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compliance tools should work across all platforms where data is stored. Acronis can take a backup of emails, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams.
  • Secure Storage: Protect your backups with encryption both while being transferred and when at rest – a must for meeting strict compliance regulations.

In simple terms, Acronis doesn’t just make backups; it creates reliable archives that can act as a virtual time machine – an essential asset when dealing with complex compliance tools and requirements.

Each compliance framework has its own rules about how long you should keep certain types of data, but they all agree on one thing: you better have that data if they ask for it. That’s why having a solution like Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 is not only useful, but could also be what saves you from trouble when regulators come knocking.

So while we’ve covered a lot about compliance requirements here, remember there’s still more to discover in ensuring your organisation runs smoothly within the Microsoft 365 system. Next on the agenda? Understanding the shared responsibility model in cloud services – because when it comes to safeguarding your digital assets, knowing who’s accountable for what is half the battle.

Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model in Microsoft 365

When it comes to Microsoft 365, the safety net of your data isn’t just a one-player game. Enter the Shared Responsibility Model, a concept that’s as straightforward as it sounds: both Microsoft and you, the customer, have roles to play in ensuring your cloud data is secure, accessible, and recoverable.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Microsoft’s part of the deal: They’re like the guardians of infrastructure. Microsoft ensures that all the services related to Microsoft 365 are running smoothly. This includes keeping their servers humming along, safeguarding against service interruptions (hello, uptime!), and providing baseline security measures to thwart off common cyber threats.
  • Your slice of the pie: This is where you come in. It’s all about managing and protecting your data. Think of this as backing up your work on a USB stick before the days of cloud storage – it’s on you to make sure there’s a Plan B if things go sideways. This involves controlling who has access to your data, setting up adequate retention policies beyond what Microsoft offers by default, and yes – making sure there’s a reliable backup for when mishaps occur.

A table showing the shared responsibility of Microsoft 365 and a user of Microsoft 365 to protect data.

Image Source: MSP360

Understanding this model is crucial because it clears up any misconceptions about data protection responsibilities. Simply put, just because it’s in the cloud doesn’t mean it’s automatically protected. Being aware of where Microsoft’s responsibility ends and yours begins is vital for keeping your data safe from all those pesky pitfalls that could lead to loss or corruption.

With this model in mind, let’s dive deeper into why third-party backup solutions like Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 don’t just add an extra layer of protection — they’re practically essential.

Introducing Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 as the Preferred Solution

When it comes to protecting your digital work-life, Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365, they’ve got a powerful set of backup tools that keep your data safe from the threats of the online world. Let’s explore why Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 is an excellent choice for safeguarding your business’s valuable data.

Key Features of Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365

Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 not only backs up your data but also provides extra layers of security. Here are the standout features that make Acronis the top choice:

  • Automated Backups: Set it and forget it! With automated backups, your data gets safely stored without any effort on your part.
  • Granular Recovery: Ever wished you could go back in time? With granular recovery, you can restore individual emails or files without affecting everything else—no need for a time machine!
  • Flexible Storage Options: Choose between storing your backups on-premises or in the cloud—Acronis adapts to your preferences.
  • Easy to Manage: A user-friendly dashboard allows you to oversee your backups without requiring technical expertise.
  • Comprehensive Backup: Emails, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams conversations, every aspect of Microsoft 365 is covered. Nothing is left to chance!

By incorporating these features into its arsenal, Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 becomes more than just a tool—it becomes an ally in the battle against data loss. Whether you’re facing accidental deletions or malicious malware attacks, Acronis is here to support you.

Now, let’s take a closer look at how this powerful solution protects each part of your Microsoft 365 suite:

Email (Exchange Online)

Email is crucial for business communication. Acronis ensures that every email, calendar event, and contact in Exchange Online is backed up and can be easily recovered.


Your personal cloud storage is important for storing files. With Acronis, every document you’ve uploaded or shared on OneDrive is protected and can be quickly restored if needed.


Collaboration is essential in modern workplaces. Acronis preserves team sites and content in SharePoint, ensuring seamless collaboration even in the face of unexpected events.


Conversations, meetings, and shared files within Microsoft Teams are valuable assets for teamwork. Acronis provides comprehensive backup solutions to safeguard this critical data.

With such comprehensive backup in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that every aspect of your Microsoft 365 experience is secure—shielded from accidents, cyber threats, and any other challenges that may arise in the digital realm.

Ready to start using Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365? Don’t wait until it’s too late—protecting your data from harm is our expertise. Contact us today to learn more about our backup services or to get assistance with setting up Acronis for your digital environment. Your future self will thank you!


Your Microsoft 365 environment is an ecosystem full of valuable yet vulnerable data. You’ve seen the risks, from accidental deletion to sneaky malware, and you understand that Microsoft’s safety measures have their limitations. It’s clear that strengthening your digital defences with strong backup solutions isn’t just a smart choice—it’s necessary.

Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 is your trusted protector in the digital world. It shines brightly amidst various data risks:

  • Complete Backup: emails, OneDrive and SharePoint data, and all those never-ending Teams conversations are secure.
  • Quick Data Recovery: When trouble comes knocking, Acronis is ready to reverse the effects of data loss, ensuring you’re back on track in a jiffy.
  • User-Friendly: With Acronis, simplicity meets effectiveness; backing up and restoring your data is effortless.

Whether you have Microsoft 365 Standard license or any other subscription level, your business deserves the peace of mind that comes with reliable, accessible backups. Don’t let another day pass with your data hanging by a thread.

Take Action: Protect your data with Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 today. If you need guidance or information about our backup services, feel free to get in touch. We’re here to assist you in transforming potential digital disasters into minor setbacks on your business journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of data backup for Microsoft 365?

Data backup (emails, OneDrive and SharePoint data) in Microsoft 365 is crucial due to the risks of accidental deletion, retention policy gaps, and security threats. It helps protect against permanent data loss and ensures data integrity.

What are the risks of accidental deletion in Microsoft 365?

Accidental deletion incidents can lead to permanent data loss, which can occur due to human error, malicious intent, or compromised user accounts within the Microsoft 365 environment.

Why are gaps in retention policies a potential pitfall for Microsoft 365 data?

Relying solely on Microsoft’s native retention policies may not align with long-term data storage needs, leaving data vulnerable to loss or corruption. It’s important to understand and address these limitations.

How does data backup help address security threats and ensure data integrity in Microsoft 365?

Data backup mitigates internal security threats and protects against malware/ransomware attacks by providing an additional layer of defense against data loss or corruption.

Data backup assists organisations in fulfilling regulatory standards and legal obligations related to data retention, ensuring that they remain compliant with specific compliance frameworks.

What is the shared responsibility model in Microsoft 365?

The shared responsibility model outlines the division of responsibilities between Microsoft and the customer regarding data management and protection in the cloud, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to data backup.

What are the key features of Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365?

Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 offers specific functionalities that make it a powerful tool for backing up Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams data, providing comprehensive protection for Microsoft 365 environments.

Acronis Backup for Microsoft 365 stands out as a reliable third-party solution due to its key features and ability to provide comprehensive data protection for Microsoft 365 users. It offers a robust backup strategy that safeguards valuable business data.

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